How to Add Instagram Feed to Your Blog! [Tutorial]

9:47 AM

Woaaah I don't know since when the last time I post something new on my blog!
죄송합니다! Ampuni aku wahai netizen yang ku cintai huhuhu

So today, I would like to share you guys how to add instagram feed to your blog page like mine ;] Keren kan kalo di blog ada instagram nya (padahal mau promosi #biarbanyakfollower #biarbanyaklike) hehehe ;p

Here are the steps you should do:

1. Open this link first:
2. You can sign up or just log in using your facebook (kalian bisa daftar atau langsung masuk     pake akun pacebok kalian)

After you logged in, choose one the designs on how your feed will be displayed then click "Get Your Widget"
(setelah masuk, pilih desain instagram feed kamu mau ditampilin kaya gimana, kalo udah klik "Get Your Widget")

4. Type your IG username, choose your Layout and etc, click preview if you want to see how it's gonna be first or just click "Get Widget"
(ketik username IG kalian, terus pilih layoutnya, kalo punya aku 3x3, jadi kaya liat feed di HP kan, klik preview buat lihat dulu jadinya kaya apa atau langsung klik "Get Widget" buat dapet kode nya)

5. Copy the HTML Code

6. Go to your blog, and choose Layout, and click "Add a Gadget" on wherever side you want your IG will be displayed
(buka blog kalian, pilih Layout terus kalian pilih IG kalian mau ditampilin dimana, kalo aku sukanya di sidebar sih, terus klik Add a Gadget)

7. Choose HTML/JavaScript

8. Type your title, mine is my IG username, copy the code on the content, and save!
(ketik judul semau kalian, terus copy deh kode tadi terakhir pencet save)
9. We are done! Don't forget to save your arrangement!

Nah itu tadi step by step cara nampilin instagram feed kamu di blog page, jadi jangan bingung lagi yah kalo mau promote instagram lewat blog huhehehe :p If you have any questions, feel free to leave comment below ya! ^^ Happy blogging semuanya! 고맙습니다

Thank you for reading!

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