VANEDO "Coenzyme Q10 Mask"
10:12 AM
To be continued from previous post...Yup, this is another review of Vanedo Beauty Friends mask! Well, sekarang cobain yang Vanedo "Qoenzyme Q10 Mask Sheet" yuk! Fyi, my skin condition is a lot better than before (not as dry as before).
Finding a Perfect Mask?
Let me remind you guys again, you have to read the purpose of your mask! So you will love the result at the end :) Vanedo ini punya 24 macam varian mask yang fungsi beda-beda, check them out!
Well because my skin becomes dry, I need mask that moisturizes as well as keeping elasticity of my skin (say no to wrinkle ha!). So I bought "Snail, Coenzyme Q10, and Hyaluronic Acid" mask at SaSa Malaysia (semacem Sephora gitu) each for Rm 6.90 atau sekitar Rp 21rb. I am going to review it one by one so stay tuned!
Preview Product
Basically, this Coenzyme Q10 Mask has the same purpose with Snail Mask which is moisturizing and elastic skin. They claim "...designed to deeply moisturize and condition the skin using concentrated natural plant extracts that help skin absorbs nutrients."
"Includes Coenzyme Q10 that helps to reduce free radical damages while it cleans and moisturizes"
How to Use?
Just like the other mask sheet, wash your face, your heart, your mind and don't forget to pray. Then apply the mask for 15~20 minutes (or until you wake up after you fall asleep :p). Last, do not rinse it, just dab lightly your face and let it absorbed.
My Thoughts
Thank God they have English translation!! hahaha :p Well I love how the packaging tho, keep it simple and easy to read, and have translation! :)
Believe it or not, it smells almost like the Snail Mask one. Not too strong and very calming. Baunya ngga aneh dan ngga jijik! Me just love it ♥♥
I am super satisfied with the results! I think this one is the best among Snail and Hyaluronic Acid. It really deep moisturizes my skin and leave it mild. Guess what? It has brightening effect on me! Muka ku jadi ngga kusam gitu setelah pake ini, amazing bukan! Aku sampai tidak percaya uhuy ;)
Last, it has no breakout or negative side effect! Yep I guess my skin love this mask ♥
Last, it has no breakout or negative side effect! Yep I guess my skin love this mask ♥
- Moisturize well
- Smells really calming
- Mild my skin
- Has brightening effect |
- Quite pricey hehe
This is the best one I have tried from the Vanedo Mask variant. Menurut ku, efek melembabkan nya paling terasa, dan ada efek mencerahkan! Wow definitely love it!
Re-Purchase: 4/5
Well definitely I will buy again until I found a better mask than this haha :p but this is my current mask sheet loved
image source: petpetmama
Thank you for reading!