VANEDO "Snail Mask" [Review]

9:48 AM

Welcome back to my blog! Apa kabar awak ni sekalian? *practice my melayu* hihihi Today I'm going to post about another mask sheet from Korea! Yup, they say it famous in Korea, but I don't know let's try the Vanedo "Snail Mask" in my sensitive and acne prone skin aaarggh >.<

Finding a Perfect Mask?
Yep, sebaiknya baca dulu kegunaan mask yang kalian beli yah :] Fyi, aku baru aja pindah ke Malaysia untuk nyari peruntungan disini hehehe :p entah kenapa kulit jadi kering, maybe karena different weather atau memang lagi adaptasi *kulit manja ih* Dan Vanedo ini punya 24 macam varian mask yang fungsi beda-beda, check them out!

Nah because my skin becomes dry, I need mask that moisturizes as well as keeping elasticity of my skin (say no to wrinkle ha!). So I bought "Snail, Coenzyme Q10, and Hyaluronic Acid" mask at SaSa Malaysia (semacem Sephora gitu) each for Rm 6.90 atau sekitar Rp 21rb. I am going to review it one by one so stay tuned!

Preview Product
Basically, this Snail Mask has the purpose of moisturizing and elastic skin. They claim "...designed to deeply moisturize and condition the skin using concentrated natural plant extracts that help skin absorbs nutrients."

"The mucin component which is good for skin reproduction enhances the reproductive ability of your skin and helps your skin more vitalized."

How to Use?
Just like the other mask sheet, wash your face, your heart, your mind and don't forget to pray. Then apply the mask for 15~20 minutes (or until you wake up after you fall asleep :p). Last, do not rinse it, just dab lightly your face and let it absorbed.

was not falling a sleep!

My Thoughts
Thank God they have English translation!! hahaha :p Well I love how the packaging tho, keep it simple and easy to read, and have translation! :)

I really like it! It's really calming and mild. Smells like the Secret Key "EGF + Repairing Snail Mask" but not as strong as them, more soothing alias tak terlalu menyengat. 

I am hardly can't say I am very satisfied with it. Ya it's okay for me lah. It does moisturize my skin a bit. Efek melembabkan nya kurang nendang gitu sih, tapi iya ini melembabkan kok. Well at least it doesn't make my skin break out yeay!

- Does the moisturizing
- Smells really calming
- Mild my skin

- The effect is not that satisfying
- Quite pricey
Overall: 6/10
To be honest, I still love this product but I think the result is not that satisfying. I rather satisfy with Vanedo "Coenzyme Q10 Mask" that works even better than the Snail one.

Re-Purchase: 2/5
Well if there's a discount for this mask hahaha :p

Disclaimer: Individual results may vary, I have sensitive normal-oily skin but I don't see any allergic reaction with this product.
image source: petpetmama

Thank you for reading!

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